
Risk Level Meter

Positive Screen: Risk Level = Medium

Result: Patient screened positive for an eating disorder (no score found. Treat this page as a sample)

Intervention: Counseled patient on eating disorder symptoms of concern; provided with information on referrals to specialty care

Plan: Follow up on referral at next visit

Instrument: SBIRT-ED –

Result: Patient screened positive for an eating disorder  (no score found. Treat this page as a sample)

Intervention: Counseled patient on eating disorder symptoms of concern; provided with information on referrals to specialty care

Plan: Follow up on referral at next visit

Instrument: SBIRT-ED -

Note: Screener results will not be saved once you leave this page

Use the following scripted prompts for conversations with your patient.

Review responses

Review purpose of screener

“Thank you for responding to our initial questions about your eating habits and your thoughts about your weight and shape. Your responses from today indicate you are at a medium risk for having an eating disorder. What thoughts or questions might you have about what this means?”

“Is your relationship with food and/or your body something you’ve ever been concerned about?”

Goal: briefly walk through endorsed items to obtain clarity
    (e.g., if applicable: frequency of vomiting, amount of weight lost)

Express concern

State potential risks

“I am concerned about your struggles with [insert symptoms endorsed from screener]. These types of symptoms can be dangerous for your health and overall well-being.”

“Many people do not realize it, but the types of symptoms you’re reporting are actually signs of an eating disorder, which are common mental health issues like depression and anxiety.”

“Given what you’ve endorsed on the screener, I’m concerned that these symptoms will get worse if they go untreated.”

Discuss next steps

Explicitly recommend referral to specialty care

“As your provider, I want to make sure that we take care of these kinds of symptoms as early and as quickly as possible so I’m recommending that you see a specialist who can do a more thorough assessment and determine what type of treatment is needed.”

“At the end of today’s visit, I’ll be providing you with a step-by-step guide on how to find this kind of treatment.”

If clinic has behavioral health resources: “Our behavioral health provider will work with you to get you referred to an eating disorder specialist(s).”

“We’ll follow up on this referral/specialty treatment at your next visit so that we can help you navigate any challenges or help answer questions.”

Next Steps

Provide patient with Step-By-Step Referral Guide (pdf).